Minggu, 19 Agustus 2007

Thanks Mime know Tombs Unloading Cargo

Speaking pantomime can not be separated from the name Jemek Supardi. Why not, until now he has 27 years to cultivate and devoted his life in the world of pantomime who admitted less popular compared to other art world.

"What can make. This has been my choice. There's no way I turned to another art. In addition to my old age, I also see the world of mime is suitable with me, "said Jemek, gentleman born Yogyakarta, March 14, 1953.

The choice to be an artist in the art of mime, according Jemek - bald-headed man - not without basis. Indeed, at first he was as other friends who play theater and joined the leadership of Natural Theatre Azwar AN.

"But because of my ability to understand and memorize the script is less and would not interfere with my teammates, so I decided to cultivate the art of mime," said Jemek to SH, in his home located at Brig Katamso, Yogyakarta, a line with a coffin shop.

In fact, no one Jemek choice. And this is evidenced by his frequent performances, both inside and outside the city of Yogyakarta city, like Surabaya or Jakarta. Not only in the formal stage, but also carried out on the streets and inside the train. Even he could also play in front of Romo's mother's body Sindhunata in Malang in 2005.
"I try to be performed, at least once a year. This is to maintain my existence so I could not stop the creative process in addition to popularizing the pantomime, "said Jemek, the father of a child.
As a mature artist in the world of pantomime, Jemek already many labor intensive, among others Hallucinations A Painter (1986), Jakarta-Jakarta (1981), Testimony (1997), and Surgeon (1981). In his work, Surgeon, Jemek sarcastic carelessness of a doctor who left the various objects in the stomach of a patient.

Jemek was concerned to keep the art of mime still exist. The reason is now very rare people who want menggelutinya. "You could say regeneration difficult. If there is competition there is always a participant. But after the race was over, the winner so be it, no longer willing to plunge. His interest was limited to race alone, "said former Jemek who claims a" bastard ".

Calls and Environmental Influence
Realizing the growing popularity of the art of mime was, after all Jemek not want to upset and tried to force the winners of pantomime continued foray into this art world. "Because of this choice and may be considered less interesting than the other arts," he said again.

Foray into the world of art, in view of Jemek, indeed a calling at the same time

keterpengaruhan environment. He then tells herself. Prior to cultivate the art world, he as a young brat, likes to fight and so forth. Because like the wandering night, he called Supardi Kampret.

But the situation becomes reversed. It begins when the graves cemetery near his home demolished and used as the People's Amusement Park (THR), now called Temple Tour. In the land of switching function is often performed a variety of art, primarily Ketoprak and Puppet People.

"This is where I necessarily know the world of art. Cash only me that used to be a civilized people do not know the culture is so polite to others, "said Jemek which have a wife of a painter.
Acquaintance with the art world is also supported by many members of the Theatre Workshop which boarders around THR, like Adi Kurdi. "When they want to exercise to the Workshop Theatre, I often participate. There I just look and try to understand art, "said the often bare chest Jemek this.

And from just a "peek" this time he tried to enter the world of theater by joining the theater Alam AN Azwar leadership. That's where he then explore the world of mime and then called Jemek Supardi. "I called because my Jemek if pantomime is always rolling around on a damp," he said. So she named Jemek Supardi today. (Yuyuk S)

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