Kamis, 23 Agustus 2007

Jemek Supardi, Man Without Words

Born from the dark. About thirty years ago, Pardi Kampret, now known by the name Jemek Supardi, grew up in the middle of the terminal noise Prawirotaman, Yogyakarta, the main terminal Gudeg City at that time. At night the lights are dim Tugu Station. Noon is a parking sweat along Jalan Malioboro.

Slender, long-haired with a forehead that membotak mengakrabi dark area towns. Like the other inhabitants of the world, he lives with in Sekatenan pilfer, steal jewelry corpse, cliwik gambling, playing cards, and hanging out with prostitutes on the railroad. Because of this life, the man born Pakem, Sleman, Yogyakarta, March 4, 1953 it had only graduated from junior high school after school instead of seven times, after not graduating from elementary school to the next grade three times, and three months of tasting Programs High School Painting Arts of Indonesia. However, the way her life changed when he knew the art.

Minggu, 19 Agustus 2007

Thanks Mime know Tombs Unloading Cargo

Speaking pantomime can not be separated from the name Jemek Supardi. Why not, until now he has 27 years to cultivate and devoted his life in the world of pantomime who admitted less popular compared to other art world.

"What can make. This has been my choice. There's no way I turned to another art. In addition to my old age, I also see the world of mime is suitable with me, "said Jemek, gentleman born Yogyakarta, March 14, 1953.